NãmaSmaran 2015

Sri Muthumani was born in the year 1940 at Thissur. Later his parents migrated to Kochi, where he had his early education. Hailing from a pious family, his involvement from his boyhood days in religious festivities like Sastapreethi and Kumara Shasthi celebrations was spontaneous. In 1962, he moved in Namasankeertanam, he soon became the Secretary of Chembur Bhajan Samaaj. He was at the forefront organizing the Sri Rama Navami festivals at Shell Colony each year and had his pride of place witnessing at the close quarters its Silver Jublee celebrations. He soon became the leading light to many other spiritual organisations.

But what may distinguish him from the other lesser ‘mortals’ is his singular contribution to the formation of Dharma Mithran, an NGO set up to facilitate people to perform ‘aparakriya’ or last rites to one’s departed. The ‘Mithran’ is also a Shraaddha centre.

Sri Sundaram Iyengar

Sri Muthumani arranged the maiden visit to Mumbai of 2 spiritual ‘greats’, viz. Brahmarshi Gopalakrishna Bhagavathaswamy and Brahmarshi Sanjeevi Bhagavathaswamy of Pudukkottai. Sri Muthumani is an office bearer of the Pudukkottai Lakshmi Narasimha Jayanthi Kainkarya Samithi. In that he has a major role in propagating Sampradaya Bhajans and Unchavruthi in many a Mumbai suburb.

A true example of “Maanava-Sevaka”, his near and dear ones still remember how in 2000, the Subramanya Samaj Tempe, Cheddanagar reverberated echoing Vedic chants and Bhajans for nearly 3 days when Sri Muthumani’s 60th birthday was being celebrated.

Thanks to the begin blessings of Sasthaa and abundant Gurukataksham, this septuagenarian leads a contended life with his daughters, while he runs his own firm trading in chemicals, perhaps just filling the gaps if any between spirituality and practicality.

Office: 607, 3rd Main, Bhuvanagiri, Bangalore – 560 043
