NãmaSmaran 2015

Sri Sundaram Iyengar, was born on 16th July, 1937 to the pious couple – Sri Alagar Iyengar and Smt. Alamelu of Thriruvaroor origin.

It was while studying at Muthyalpet, Chennai, that providence got him acquainted with Bhagavatothama Sri Chintamani Iyengar who was staying in his neighbourhood. This acquaintance was to lead him to get initiated into Sampradaya Bhajans and soon to be introduced to Pudukkottai Brahmarsri Gopalakrishna Bhagavataswamy.

As he progressed with Carnatic music and singing Bhajans, he was to pick up quite instinctively and almost like a second nature, playing the Harmonium. Ever since then, the Bhajan Bhakthas have identified Sri Sundaram Iyengar with his Trademark Harmonium as he been with the instrument in all Bhajans besides rendering support to the Group singing in his inimitable voice.

Sri Sundaram Iyengar

He has travelled far and wide accompanying various maestros for over 6 decades now singing the glory of God. He has toured Gulf countries too when he accompanied Erode Sri Rajamani Bhagavathar.

True to his steady and focused progress in the realm Satsangs, he seemed to demonstrate the same single minded perseverance in his profession too. He joined Royal Insurance Co. in Chennai (which later merged with the National Insurance Co.) at the mere age of 16 (in 1953) and worked diligently till the age of his superannuation!

He presently resides at Vinayakapuram, Hosur actively pursuing his passion, viz. playing the Harmonium and singling the praise of the Lord.

Office: 607, 3rd Main, Bhuvanagiri, Bangalore – 560 043
